Shamanic Work, Soul Ascension Sessions, Quantum Light Weaving, Magikal Child Sessions, Teaching and Mentoring Programmes, Dragon and Galactic Sessions, Reiki Attunements, 
Auric Lift Off (C), Workshops, Upgrades, Matrix Renewal (C), 
Light Language Transmissions, Teaching, Workshops,
 Renewal of Cosmic Diamond Heart Codes, Quantum Conscious Cellular Upgrades
Source Light and DNA Activation's, Sacred Crystal Grids, Retreats, Medicine Walks, 
Crystal Skull Attunements and Transmissions
Sophia Christos Golden Pearl (C) Activations, Teachings and Priestess Programmes


Thank You for Meeting Me Here in All Time and All Space. May Your Creative Expression In Greater Love, Flow Freely and Intuitively With The Highest Vibrations Of Divinity Within You - For The Greatest Good For All.

5th, 6th, 7th Dimensional Living is about Embracing Joy and Harmony and Taking off our Old Ways so that our Life Can be more fulfilling and Our Higher Purpose Can Manifest Through Us with Grace and Ease. 
Living From Our Heart.

The Way of Love and Loving Intent Is Our Next Journey Unfolding, Holding Ourselves and Each Other in Deep Heart Based Compassion. Accountable In Our Loving Actions.

Its Reality matches the Frequency and Vibration You are Right Now and all Future Dynamics That Spin Within that Holographic Blueprint. We Are Actualising This New Frequency By Becoming More Of Our Highest Evolving Overself Embodied in Physical Matter

Everything we Are and Are Moving Into as we flow in these new Time Concepts  Are Totally About Showing Up Exactly As You Are

Are You Living Your Divine Purpose Right Now?

Are You Wanting to Move Forwards In Your Life?

Are You Wanting To Let Go Of Programmes That No Longer Serve You, Like Fear and Heaviness, and Feeling Confined?
Do You Want to Embody More Higher Love?


It is no longer time for many of Us to inhabit fully the 3rd and 4th Dimensions anymore. We Are Physically living in a 5th Dimensional Frequency that is Fluid and Joyful and Has New Holographic Aetheric Programmes. 

Some of us on the path to Ascension into the New Divine Human Blueprint are allowing our Higher Mind to be the dominant influence in our everyday lives.
Some of Us have opened up Higher Dimensional Patterns within Our Bio Fields and more and more people every day are waking up in a new Fractal Awareness, working from new Blueprints and new Templates.

Would You like to live from a Higher Frequency of Greater Love, 
Embodying and Living From and With Your Divine Purpose?

It is time for us to embody more of our creation flow that impacts us in a more expansive way.

So How Do WE Cross That Bridge?

We need to download more of our Tools and Spiritual Gifts that are in the Ascended Spaces of Us.
Fill in Our Gaps with Intentionally Higher Frequencies of Self's Divinity and Higher Thought-forms.

Become totally available for Ourselves and for others who are crossing the multidimensional bridge of higher intelligence and awareness.
Working From Our I Am Presence.
Communing With Our Avatar Consciousness.

WE ARE Ready to take on the Full Responsibility For Ourselves.

We have unlimited tools to our Personal Mastery and It is Now Time to Clear Ourselves Of All That Holds Us Back from being in our True Authenticity in Our Mindsets and Practical Actions.

What type of Resistance Comes Up For You Right Now?
What Fears and Doubts Pop Up?

Lets clear them and Move into a More Confident Approach Within Our Mindsets and the way we make Action in the World around Us.

What is Empowerment? 

What Does It Mean For You?

How Does It Show Up in YOUR LIFE?
This is the Service work that Reconnects Us All into Unity Consciousness - Uniting the  Fields of Awakened Sovereignty Within each of us and allowing the Conscious Community of Alignment and Authority in Personal Governing. 
In the Face of Overwhelming  Social and Ecological Crisis we can now Harness New Ideas and Concepts to move from Apathy and Transform Despair into Constructive and Collaborative Action within Ourselves and with the groups and friendships we make around Us. 

The world is Transforming. 
We are the Evolutionary Consciousness that Is forming a New Alliance with The Greater Harmony That is Awakening and Unifying. 

Lets Be Creative Leaders Together.

We are bringing a New Way of Seeing and Being In the World as a Larger Platform to Work From.

How and What We Speak,  is Our Powerful Identity of Movement and has a knock on effect for everyone and everything around us. 

Free Your Perspectives from the Assumptions and Attitudes that keep you in a Limited way of thinking and living.

Look from a Limitless Mindset and Manifest Greater Awareness in Joy with Attitudes Of Gratitude's.

Bring Ceremony to Your life that Contain the Medicines that you need to live your Larger Body of light in a new Higher Reality and Conscious Purpose.

Lets fuel our Intentions into Action Starting with Self and Move into Higher Energy Realms, Within and Without, Let Us Help TRANSFORM the Earth - GAIA - Together.

Special offers & packages

One to One Energy Sessions Online, Distance and In Person, 
I am available for helping you to return to your original innocence and bring heaven into your attributes and body Diva Consciousness. Guiding Your Soul into Your Body and Mind Matrix. Shaking Off the Illusion of Separation, encouraging you to express yourself through your divine creativity, holding yourself accountable for the greater love that works through you. Helping you work through and receive with Grace and Ease all that is for you, letting go with Grace and Ease and Embodying more of your Divine Fire and merging your heart light with your thinking and conditioning, so Changes within and without are available immediately.

Personal Mentor Programmes;
Soul Ascension  - 0ne, Three and Six Month Programmes. 
Where you learn to use your higher intuitive powers easily and comfortably, So You too can help others move forwards on their paths of Ascension.
Please Phone for a Consultation of your needs.

Sophia Christos  13 Fractal Flower and the Golden Pearl Teachings
- more info will be arriving here very soon and on our sister site; - Where the Priestess Awakening Programmes will be available.

Scroll down the page to connect with the current offerings

Quantum Grid Building
I can make you a Personal Quantum Crystal Grid With the use of Crystals, Special Magnets and often Sacred Oracle Cards that have been charged for a specific purpose and use of Holographic Quantum Information’s such as superposition and entanglement, to perform new structural lines of axiotonal harmonic convergence reality patterns, that simulate new brainwave and quantum cellular consciousness patterns in electromagnetic light, to interact at a higher level of conscious awareness through you. 
The crystals form the lasers that interact with the protons within our cells and become re-coded to future and parallel timelines that we already remember and which are already aligned to our highest good, we tune inwards to interact at a higher dimensional awareness which in turn makes changes within our physical, mental and emotional fields, with an immediate effect, leading to lifestyle changes with new thought patterns, removing old conditioning to further enhance our accelerated Quantum Ascensions into all Fields of possibilities and probabilities. 
Quantum Grid Building can seriously help with manifesting and help you lock in intentions for your ambitions in abundance on all levels.
We are All That We are In Our I AM Presence in Quantum movements through all possibilities.

Living Light Quantum Grids, (the how the what the why...)
Sacred Diagrams, key codes, living Light languages from Cosmic Emissaries and Our souls evolutionary conscious awareness working through our physical alignments and body matrix, Blue Prints, downloads, Activation's,  Holographic reprints. restoration of new coded Information's representing new configurations in our Morphogenetic Fields of Conscious Awareness, holds new time line blue prints with Activation's into our cells and Mitochondria activating self in deep cellular levels, new programmes of light and transmissions, allowing a new version of self to emerge and express its highest potential. 
Transformations, Conscious Expansions, Unifications with Spiritual and Physical Bodies working with all Multidimensional blueprints to bring order and balance into New Conscious States of Evolving, Open Hearted Reality Based Living.
Healing Distortions and Clearing Bio Fields of All Outdated Modes of In-formations that No Longer Serve.
Re-calibrating Diamond Light Frequencies and Removal of Implants, Contracts, Programs, Distorted Time Lines, Entities, and Energetic Blockages. 
All Energy works Are Designed to Support Your Growths, Your Expansions, Your Ascensions, your Awakening, Your Kundalini Openings, and Align Your Highest Aspects of your Highest Selves Into Frequencies of Joy and Bliss and Oneness Alignments with your Souls Journey Awakening - you on Your Missions of Loves Service in Truth and Awareness, Your Frequencies Of Inner Higher Self Truth, Sustaining Own Source Connections through Higher Heart and Mind Soul Support.

Shamanic Work consists of a retrieval journey and recovery of Soul Aspects, mostly done in distance healing sessions and on your behalf.
Retrieving and Rewiring Fragments, Healing Ancestral Time Line Frequencies, Cord Cutting, Removal of Attachments and Old Programmes, with many more modalities in the moment,  all Shadow Weaving into Light and Shifting Self Empowered New Aspects to a new time line frequency of Higher Love and Self Acceptance to live more peaceable in the ever Eternal unfolding of Now Reality.

Magikal Child Sessions are where you embody your true Essence of Source Love Light in a higher configuration of Soul Embodiment in your body Mind Heart Mind and Self expressions.

Diamond Dragon Network The Embodiment of The plasma Force that is The Central Sun In Alliance with Your Earth and Soul Star and Configuration of Soul in Higher Levels of Conscious Awareness within Your Sophianic Christos Time Line Frequencies. The Guidance System in Reuniting Our Solar Logis in A Unified Divine Collaboration with Our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Aspects In Oneness
The Ancient Codes of Our Truth and Integrity to Truth are Revealed in Dragon Sessions.

I currently offer a teaching package that is an upgraded version of Reiki. The Collective that work with me catalyse a substantial amount of Stellar Codes and Uplifting Initiations into our Consciousness. Opening the Doors for Our Multi Dimensional Linear network of information and the accessibility of Our Christ Consciousness and our Blueprints that usher in our Galactic Self - Our 13th Awakened Archetype of Cosmic Being.

Please Contact me for Reiki Upgrades, Reiki Atunements, Reiki Shares and Accessibility to starting with Reiki.


We regularly hold workshops where you can learn everything you ever wanted to know about Light Weaving, Sacred Sounds and Light Language -  ( Exploring The Sounds Of Light Within You ),  Multidimensional Healing, Meditation and Quantum Tool Building, Quantum Crystal Grid Building Workshops. 
Aligning with Higher Guides and Quantum Soul Aspect Merging, Higher Self Therapy and Attunements.
Sophia Christos Activations,

 and much more...

If you feel called to work with me to bring in new Dimensional Aspects of self Ignited Gnosis for the Greater Good Of All for yourself, for the Land and For Humanity and  for the Good Of All,  I Look Forward To Hearing From You.

There are more workshops being updated each month please look in the Whats On Section below...

We facilitate groups where you’ll learn the classic fundamentals of energy integrations and disciplines as well as a few new tricks that acquire a 5th dimensional type of thinking.

What Am I Offering:
I work with Arch Angelic Leagues of Light, Ascended Master Realms, Galactics, Solar Realms, The many faces of the Goddess within Sophia Light, Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of the Light, Dragons, Maha Cohans. The Galactic Federations, Councils in Councils, Gaia, Primordial Energetics, The Animal Kingdoms, Elementals, The Mineral Kingdoms and the Plant Kingdoms, and Omniversal Beings Of Light - Blue Sphere Alliance,  Plaiedians, Andromedans, Sirians, Anu Nahki, Lyrans, Orions, Arcturans, Avians, Antarians, to name just a few... 
Aspects of Our Star Family Consciousness, Water Beings and Waters of All Worlds...
- to Usher in the Golden age of Hue-manity, assisting in the Remembering of The Higher Purpose of Individuals and how we share Unified Fields of Consciousness from Ancient Lineages of Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Peru, Dogon...

We Migrate Like Birds in Energy Pockets sharing Unity Conscious Awareness in Groups to Activate the Source Light Codes we have come to deliver. To re-calibrate the Ascension Grids, to bring in Our Highest Purpose in Ascension and Service, Activating  greater Compassionate Awareness and Higher Actionable Love

In Love As Love, In Greater Service To Love Unfolding In Each Heart and Mind 
We Ignite that which we are

We Are The Light Tribes Uniting
Sharing the Law of One
WE Are Here...

As Voices Of Divine Love in Action we are here to help awaken and guide those who are ready to align to their higher purpose in Souls growth and Inspire, Elevate and Activate Divine Love, to embody their own divine 3 Fold Flame of Transformation and Alignments to Higher Soul Self and Journey.

I Am A Keeper of The Three Fold I AM Heart Flame of Wisdom:
Blue Flame - Feline
Gold Flame - Avian
Violet Flame -Cetacean
Seraphim and Cherubim Flames of Celestial Consciousness 

Light Language Upgrades Transmissions and Multidimensional Activation's - through Sounds, Songs, Movements and Joyful Expressions - also known as Icaro 

Energetic Empowerment's, Stellar Blue Print Upgrades, New Higher Self Guide Alignments
Renewal of Ancestral Codes from An, Mu, Lemuria, Atlantis, Off World.

Workshops and Sessions
are inclusive of,
 Exploring the Sounds of Light within you - Your Own Souls Codes & Light Language,, Awakening into the 5th 6th 7th and beyond, Dimensional expressions of You as Oneness

Sacred Sounds and Light Language Transmissions
Spiritual Leadership
Intuitive Readings 
Sophia Christ Golden Pearl Mentor ship Program 
Personal Quantum Grid Building
One to One Soul Integration Sessions 
Soul Coaching, Activation's, Transmissions and Teachings.
Shamanic Ceremonies and practices
Personal Spiritual Mentor-ship Programmes
Reprogramming Cellular Consciousness 
DNA Upgrades
Energy Clearing
Energetic Land Clearings
Reiki Teaching (many modalities) and Share Groups
Healing the Mother/Father Wound, The Collective Wounds
Re-coding and Re-calibrating the Diamond Light Consciousness 
Soul Alignments
Goddess Activations
Quantum Light Weaving
Magickal Essences and Sprays
Sekhem Seichim Usui Angel Reiki – Healing and Teaching Programmes 
Magickal Child Sessions
Dragon Reiki, Atunements, Alignments and Activations
Embracing Galactic Self
Circle of Women Well Being Groups
Divine Feminine/Masculine Balancing
Sacred Medicine Walks 
Meditation Groups
Crystal Skull / Galactic Being Attunements
Sacred Sound and Light Language Transmission workshops
Creative Altar Goddess making 
Sacred Aura Spray Making

Have a look at a selection of our photos in our Gallery and You also will meet many of our Beloved Skulls Who In Their Own Right Have Much To Offer an Individual With their Wisdom Keeping.



You are more powerful than any fear that you have.

You are More Brighter than any darkness could impress upon you.

You are stronger than any abuse you Have suffered.

It takes courage and strength to Turn Your Light On. 

But You are The Light, 
and Its time to Turn it On Now, 
To Shine and Be a Beacon that also Helps Guide Others Home to Walk In Balance and Safety and help Hold Their Light High. 

The Light Is Trust, and its Time To Let The Light Work For YOU.

How Much Do You Trust Yourself?

There is Sacred Strength In Forgiveness of Self and Allowing Self to Be Healed, Loved and To Become Whole.
Forgiveness is Freedom.

It Takes Strength To Become Vulnerable. But By Being Vulnerable We Become Our Greatest Strength in Movement for The Soul.

Are You Ready To Accept Yourself?

Are YOU READY, To LET GO and  
LET YOUR SOUL Be In the Drivers Seat?

Let Unconditional Love Be Your Evolutionary Change You Make For Yourself


About Me

Hi, I am Lisa Raven
I have been an intuitive seer and a healer since I was a small child.
An Aunt of mine used to talk to me about my "Magik hands" and how I could help heal her. That was just the beginning...
Throughout my life I have had many intuitive doors opening within my psyche.
After battling with Depression for many years, and an unsuccessful attempt to take myself off the planet  I had a breakthrough in my Spiritual Physicality. The Planet was having a new integrative Light of Awakening in her Ascension Programme at the same time as I.
 I opened up to a New Wave of Universal Light in me that I did not have the tools or information about. That Higher Frequency Of Greater Love I had never experienced. There had not been enough unconditional Love in my formative years and this breakdown of Old Learning was overseen By the Angels and The Masters who Showed up For My Opening, my Healing, and my Acceptance of myself,  I found myself in a new place of Learning and seeing from New Eyes and A new Approach, in a New Body Of Light and with so much information from different realms within the Universe and Beyond I had never known before. 
I am Truly Infinitely Grateful for All I have ever Received and All I am Ever Receiving... 
The Source Codes Opened Within and Without...
In 1996 I had a profound wake up experience that enabled me to activate the Higher Paradigms of Light within myself and had my First of several Walk-In experiences from My Soul’s Ascended Master Self. The Original Soul had walked out to be healed and the contract I had made had come to a natural ending in my physical body,  I had new Master Codes and levels of understanding where I had previously not had. It took time to heal the Old Mother, Father and Ancestral Time Line wounds I held in my DNA but I was able to do so with the Joy of New Unfolding and a Massive Amount of Deeply Held Compassionate Love and Awakening for Humanity and the Plight of the past and future generational knowing, Forgiving, Allowing and Being Present In The Ever Unfolding Now.

I work from Source with Source Consciousness.
I align Source within the fabrics and contours of our Human Conscious awareness, in every One to One Session, group Workshop and Activation that I do.

I see All Energy. As it Flows In and Out in Waves and In Fractal Patterning. I see the Blockages and the patterns of indifference that keep us held in concepts of time and unhelpful conditioning. 

If we can see these things, we can remove these things and realign our Highest Purpose in replace of old information that no longer serves us. 

 I have come to Earth to clear old outdated modes of value in 3D constructs and Paradigms. I Carry New Codes of  Sophianic-Christos Light which Bring Freedom and Healing to help others ascend into Oneness and live in a more expanded Heart Based Reality. I deliver Codes Of Light to The New Sacred Grids Around New Earth and Take Away/Clear Old Karmic Time Lines of Information, Distortions and Much needed Repair work to the Lands and her Energy Bodies, working with a vast array of Loves Presence from many Walks of Multi Linear and Omni-versal Life.

Since awakening into multi linear time frames and dimensional patterning I have made many breakthroughs in Self Realisation, Self-Discernment and Self Actualisation. 

I am here to Serve in Truth and For Truth.
 I try to live my every day life within My Divine Truth and Allow the Full Authority of Myself to Be Present In All Things.

I realised decades ago that we come to a point in our learning and unfolding that we eventually have to share what we know. 
We are All One in the Law of One and My Calling is to Bring New Reality Patterns and Codes of Light to this Beautiful New Earth, reprogramming separation into Oneness.
Remembering Our Ascension Programmes and Unfolding the information through Our DNA and our Cellular Consciousness to live in a Greater Peaceful Heart Awareness in Unity, Together.

I gracefully wish to share with you In Service All that I am Divinely guided to bring through, for All,  from Source as A manifestation Ascension Upgrade to our Bio-energenetic bodies

I have come like many to be a Way-shower, a Teacher , a Soul Coach and Master Healer, to re-code the matrix for the dimensional shifts into our Diamond Crystalline Consciousness that we are currently undertaking at an accelerated speed, Re-Coding the New Earth for the children of The future, as Mother Gaia accelerates her Ascension, so do we. We Are Her.

I am a Soul Alchemist
I am a Priestess
I am a Code Keeper and Light Language Linguistic
I am a Sacred Quantum Grid Maker
I am a Voice for Sophia
I am a conduit for the Highest Vibrations of Loves Light in the Multiverse 
I work From Source and Deliver Source  - there are No Filters.

I offer many modalities In Service and Ceremony for the Highest Activation's in One’s Ascension, Through One to One Energy Sessions, Skype, Zoom or Video Conferencing, Workshops, Meditations, Goddess Empowerment Transmissions, Sound Sessions (Crystal Bowls, Tuning Forks, Gong, Drums and Voice) Medicine Walks.
Light Language Activation's and Empowerment's.

Consultations and Energy Sessions  will bring an immediate shift in conscious awareness, by working with the invisible aspects of self, We are Aligning our Highest Hearts Truth and Healing All Unconscious Negative Programming, re-Aligning Our Quantum Sacred Geometric Grids in all our Morphogenetic Fields - letting go of all old Programme's that do not serve us and allowing new Light codes to be re-coded from our Sovereign Self.

WE invite our Master Codex into Our Fields of Conscious Awareness Creating new Templates and Downloading our Master Blueprints to make forever changes to our everyday lives.
Moving into a place of Self Authority and Sovereignty.

WE Invite our Soul into our Body Matrix and embody Our Higher Self in our Present State and then the Real Magik happens.

WE are here to shift and shift we can.

There is nothing beyond belief that keeps us confined. We can already do anything, see anything, and know everything, only illusion is in our way, We are Already Ascended, We Are here to upgrade our body, our body mind and our Ego Mind and All those Identities that we fashion in Unconscious Awareness.

Lets remove all illusions together in a Safe Sacred Intentional and Intelligent Space 

Come challenge your own beliefs in a most sacred way and witness yourself gently shift into a much more Heart Centred and Harmonic way for the greater good of you and the greater good of All. Living in a Lighter Field Of Unconditional Love.

Allow the Source to Activate Through You in a More Conscious and Unified Way
Lightening your energy fields, your heart, and your mind, bringing healing to mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, Changing Lenses of Perceptions and Removing outdated modes of values, old programmes and distorted intentions.

I will make you a Sacred Soul Grid in Quantum Proportions 

There is A New Blue Print of the Original Source Codes that Holds the 10 Attributes that Source God Created in which Creation Can Be Reflected to Man, Not Unlike the Tree of Life where Freya gave the Wisdom of The Tree to Odin and with the 10 Original Golden Apples....
and It Has Been Gifted To Me In My Unified Universal Life Stream Of Consciousness Time Frame to Share and Help Evolve The New Evolutionary Consciousness On OUR Beloved Planet Earth To All Who Hear This Call, Helping to Remove the Illusion of Separation.

I Honour YOU
I Love YOU
I Thank YOU

Simplicity is the key to Brilliance

2020 Summer Solstice Gathering- BEYOND THE BEYOND - 
Diamond Network Retreat in Glastonbury

Summer Solstice Avalon Gathering 2020

This is an invitation to all of you wayshowers, lightworkers, soulguides, gatekeepers, bridgeworkers, starseeds, ascensionguides, codekeepers, masterhealers around the planet that are being called to gather in a circle of light of the One, meeting in divine essence and anchoring a Brand New Template of the New Earth in the gateway of Summer Solstice in one of the most powerful and sacred ascension portals on Earth – Ancient Avalon.

We are inviting you to a 4-day non-residential retreat 20th to 23rd June 2020, hosted in the Abbey House, Glastonbury, located on the sacred land in the Heart of Avalon and on the surrounding Activated Lands.

In this Mastery Spiritual Retreat we will open for expansion of consciousness from the individual Higher Self to the Cosmic Galactic Christed Self. We are embodying ourselves as New Conscious Living Beings within our new Blue Prints to activate and anchor the New Core Unified Love Light Field of Global Community.

We are gathering in the Gateway of the Summer Solstice to share initiations and activation codes of the brand new earth template, receive full One-Heart Rose Activations and Galactic Consciousness transmissions and the full embodiment of Soulful Re-Union with Higher Self and Divine Presence.

To support our journey we will immerse ourselves in the sacred land of ancient Avalon. We will visit and work on the surrounded sacred sites and merge with the powerful earth energy and amplified crystalline field, at some of the most powerful portals on earth. We are called to anchor new codes of light and to receive activations from those sacred sites. We will connect and co-create together with the elementals and forces of nature.

This retreat is an opportunity for all of us to align with the new energies on the planet and to channel those energies towards our highest destiny. Together we immerse ourselves into a cauldron of cosmic consciousness expansion and the embodied realization of our greater self. This is a blessed opportunity for us to activate our greater gifts and sacred mission. We are called to a life in Divine Grace and Divine Love Union, living in presence and beingness, from our expanded Galactic Self.

THIS SOLSTICE GATE IS OPENING - ALIGNING IN OUR DIVINE WILL with THE ACTIVATION of the Brand New Earth Template and our Cosmic Galactic Christed Self.

Beloveds, if you feel the call to join and co-create this magical retreat of mastery and cosmic consciousness expansion - please contact us.


Venue: Abbey House and the surrounded sacred sites of Ancient Avalon
Retreat fee 4-days non-residential: 444 GBP
Deposit: 144 GBP ( non refundable ) to secure your spot to 

Limited places available

Facilitators: Lisa Raven – Raven Soul Alchemy & 
Camilla Ma Ra Akerstrom – The White Rose & friends

For more Information, please contact: 

We Offer Sacred Sounds..
For all Occasions....

Weekly Soul Meditations, (Galactic Soul Meetings) Held at The Raven Soul Centre  7.30 - 9.30pm also On Zoom held in a Private and Safe Sacred Space every Friday 

Every Weds online Zoom Light Language Workshops 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Weekly Teaching Meditation/Workshop - Embracing our Cosmic Galactic Self - Our 13th Awakened Archetype of Cosmic Being.
-contact for more details...
We will be covering many facets of Facing Ourselves and Tuning Up our Cosmic Diamond Blueprints and Embodying Our Innate Wisdom as We live In A Modern World In Alignment with Our Sovereign Imprints and Highest Purpose.

For more Information and booking ;
Please Contact 
or Lisa Raven on tel: 07989153477

Celestial Gateway Opening 
0202 2020
2nd February 2020
Stanton Drew Stone Circle 11.11 am

Calling All Wayshowers, Celestials, Earth Angels, Dragons, Galactics, Blue Rays, Rainbows Crystallines and All  Light Workers, and Truth Seekers Holders of The Divine Feminine Magdalene Flames of Light..

We are being Asked to Support the Opening up of a Celestial Gateway -  A Portal of True Light Expansion... and an Automatic Expulsion of All That No Longer Fits in Within Our Sovereign Light and Within Our Divine Will.
A NEW Gateway Of LOVE Light.

A Mirrored Calabration of Eternal Peace and the Divine Matrix of Eternal Change and Everlasting Light is being Anchored For All, To Be Held In The Hearts and Minds Of All.

A New World Is Awakening and Its Based of Pure Love Frequencies and Vibrations and We Are All The Anchor Points of Resurrection and Recipients Of LOVE IN Action
We Are Anchoring The Light OF The Angelic World Into this New Realm of Wisdom We Are Living In - Us As
Greater Expanded LOVE VIBRATIONS. Celestial Tones and Axiotonal Lines OF Greater Love Wisdoms

We Will Honour the Ancestors and The Guidance,  the Time Line Frequency Holders who bring this New Light onto the Planet and Open Their Codes Of Wisdom For The Benefit Of All, To Shine Their Paths and Codes Of Greater Love, We Will Honour YOU and YOUR Light and The passage of Time YOU Have Come To Re-code for ALL in The Heart Flames Of Divine Love

As We Embody more Purity From Our Celestial Light and Governance in Our Divine Celestial Realms We are being given the Opportunity to Share and Rekindle That Light That We Seek and That Which Is In Harmony With US. 
You Will Be Supported and Loved Wholly By the Celestial Fire Of Synthesis and Fusion as Sovereign Divine Flames YOU ARE


If you want to find the Secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration - Nikola Tesla

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